Life science-focused entrepreneurs and established companies are invited to explore funding opportunities within the Department of Health and Human Services Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Omnibus grant solicitations.
Participating agency institutes and centers (ICs) include the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration. The STTR option is only available through the NIH. The next application deadline is Sept. 5.
Prospective applicants are advised to communicate directly with HHS SBIR/STTR program managers at least one month before the deadline to verify interest in proposed projects.
Some ICS allow clinical trials as part of proposed SBIR/STTR projects. Carefully review the list of participating organizations within each SBIR/STTR solicitation to determine which ICs allow clinical trials.
NIH Matchmaker is a tool that applicants can use to conduct keyword searches of topic areas to locate ICs that have previously funded research in that area. Summaries of those funded projects are also provided.
A tutorial on NIH Matchmaker can be accessed here.
Applicants can then search 2019 Program Descriptions and Research Topics to identify priority research areas that align with their project ideas.
The Small Business Administration has approved select topics to exceed $252,131 for Phase I SBIR/STTR awards and $1,680,879 for Phase II SBIR/STTR awards (from 2019-2020). These select topics can be found here. Applicants are encouraged to first contact NIH program officials before submitting proposals that exceed these amounts.
DHHS will provide an informational webinar on May 29 from 12-2 p.m. CDT that will cover a brief SBIR/STTR overview, instructions on applying for both clinical trial and non-clinical trial projects, the new SBIR/STTR information form, and the Omnibus grant solicitations. Register to attend here.
Arkansas-based companies and entrepreneurs interested in assistance with exploring the DHHS SBIR/STTR programs can contact Rebecca Todd for assistance at or 501.683.7717.