Racheal Calderon opened Lola’s Blessed Bean in Greenwood with the assistance of the ASBTDC at Arkansas Tech University. The coffee shop opened March 13 and offers a variety of coffees, teas, and dessert.
Never giving up, Racheal showed strong determination to become a business owner while working with ASBTDC.

Calderon first reached out to Ronda Hawkins at the ATU center in early 2018.
“Being a single parent is not easy. Getting my little coffee shop up and running was hard. Because I was doing this all on my own, this project took me a lot longer than I wanted,” she said. “I spent a lot of time praying and regrouping. God kept telling/showing me that it was not time yet. He saved me from opening before the pandemic.”
The name of the business was inspired by Calderon’s grandmother.
“She gave me my first cup of coffee and taught me to show everyone unconditional love and acceptance. The Lord laid opening up a coffee shop on me, not only to honor the memory of the countless cups of coffee that I shared with my grandmother and grandfather, but also to honor the memory of my grandmother’s sense of community and love for others,” she said.
Racheal and her business consultant stayed in touch throughout the planning process, working on financial projections, crafting a business plan, and discussing startup steps and other details in preparation for the time to open.
“Being able to have the ASBTDC and Ronda help me during this whole process was a complete blessing. I have developed the confidence and abilities necessary to be successful,” said Calderon.
“I know that because of the endless hours of coaching, counseling, and assistance developing my business plan and projections with Ronda that Lola’s Blessed Bean will be successful.”
The business is located at 9 N. Main S. in Greenwood. Learn more at 479-597-3300 or facebook.com/lolasblessedbean.