Michael Singleton of the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center has been named Operations Committee chair for the national association of Small Business Development Centers.

Singleton, ASBTDC associate state director, was appointed to the leadership role by the America’s SBDC Board of Directors. His term began with the association’s winter meeting Feb. 6-8 in Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Va.
The Operations Committee advises the board and works cooperatively with the board chair and association president. Its primary function is to review, recommend, and disseminate information that enhances the operations of the 63 SBDC networks.
In his role as chair, Singleton will also work with the U.S. Small Business Administration in support of high-quality SBDC programs and client services.
“I look forward to collaborating with my peers from around the country and the Small Business Administration to ensure SBDCs have the support and resources to serve the nation’s entrepreneurial community,” he said.
This is his second national committee appointment. Previously, Singleton served on the Accreditation Committee from 2017-2022.
He is the principal investigator for the Arkansas Business Navigator program and oversees the financial operations of the ASBTDC network. He started with ASBTDC in 2004 and assumed his current role six years ago.